Scriber Stories
Meisterschüler exhibition, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig
Techne Sphere
Photos by Kyu Sang Lee
Bread Stull Stadion
Food performance at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, June 2024.
With Milan Braun and Sebastian Voigt.
Cheese, salad, olive paste, ajvar and food coloring on bread, 2024
Tools of Encouragement
Exhibition and Book Launch
frames by Søstra100
MZIN, Leipzig
Humans have created many tools in order to make life better and more organized, such as languages, national
states and a lot of different objects. But who ever asked about their opinion? Eventually, everything that the
creators have created – everything that they have imposed their own agenda on, has come to create a language
of their own.
Tools of Encouragement
Exhibition at Goldstein Galerie in Frankfurt am Main, October 2022.
frames by Søstra100
photos by Elena Osmann
I used to be a tree
Group exhibition at Kunstverein Leipzig, during Snail Eye Festival, June 2022.
With Ane Barstad Solvang, Herman Breda Enkerud and Christa Barlinn Korvald.
frames by Søstra100
photo by Roxana Rios
Fiscal Cliff showing at Grafill spring 2021
Natural phenomenons are a well used tool to illustrate and explain financial circumstances. The economy could face tsunamis and earthquakes, it could end up in deep valleys and reach high peaks, and it could be standing in front of the fiscal cliff. The fiscal cliff illustrates an abrupt and uncontrolled economic collapse, and the imagery of state leaders falling down cliffs is one of satire drawings’ best known archetypes. The metaphor is strengthened by the cliff’s many cultural appearances, and it has become a cultural icon itself due to films as Thelma & Louise, Looney Tunes and the Youtube fossil Tha Cliff from 2006.
In the publication Fiscal Cliff, the topographic metaphor is used as a starting point for a visual game with symbols and characters that somehow has to deal with the fiscal fall. There might be multiple reasons why the fiscal cliff occurs, but once it's here it will affect us all.
frames by Søstra100
photos by Jørn Aagaard
Ink and markers on paper, 42 x 30 cm
Ink and markers on paper, 42 x 30 cm
Ink and markers on paper, 42 x 30 cm
a driveby exhibition at Inderøy curated by Mio Oribe Stuberg, 2020
Foil on aluminium, 120 x 200 cm, 2020
Foil on aluminium, 120 x 200 cm, 2020
Ulike reaksjoner til samme melodi
Foil on aluminium, 120 x 200 cm, 2020